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At The End Of The Day, Its Still A CB.

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Ok guy's this sounds like an intervention , so I 357magnum own an SRC radio ! I bought it from an op in SC over 5 years ago and has performed flawlessly . I have no echo , beeps or noise toys just extra channels . My problem is I didn't get that hose attachment like my lawn mower has to clean it ! And yes I saw that vid with the Garden hose ! Ps @ time of purchase it was not disclosed it was one of his radios . But I for one have had no problems . OK guy's let it roll I have Big Shoulder's !
Ok guy's this sounds like an intervention , so I 357magnum own an SRC radio ! I bought it from an op in SC over 5 years ago and has performed flawlessly . I have no echo , beeps or noise toys just extra channels . My problem is I didn't get that hose attachment like my lawn mower has to clean it ! And yes I saw that vid with the Garden hose ! Ps @ time of purchase it was not disclosed it was one of his radios . But I for one have had no problems . OK guy's let it roll I have Big Shoulder's !

Hey, no big deal, your caps were replaced, and all your tuning cans are now seated flat on the circuit board!

of course your S meter probably isn't set correctly, the IF cans are probably not centered correctly in the passband, and if you have a 10-turn pot, the knob is probably on there crooked.

i just hope you didn't have to pay more than the radio is worth.
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Not at $700....LOL Give me a $79-$149 Cobra 148 from the 1990's or older or any Cybernet SSB mobile. Add a $20 server power supply and 2 4 ohm 6x9's from the trash, salvage yard, Goodwill or garage sale so I get 8 ohms nominal and I will do everything it will do for a fraction of the price. In fact the money I save can go into re-caping, a linear, antenna, mic, eq or tube pre-amp etc......." A sucker is born every minute."! "A fool and his money are easily separated!".

For $700 you can get a decent real HF rig!

Electrically and performance wise there are not many CB base stations that are anything special.

Performance wise you could get more out of a modern RCI2950DX or any other modern black box SSB radio.You would get more power, better or equal receive, similar audio, a lot more bandwidth all for 1/3 the money!!!
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Not at $700....LOL Give me a $79-$149 Cobra 148 from the 1990's or older or any Cybernet SSB mobile. Add a $20 server power supply and 2 4 ohm 6x9's from the trash, salvage yard, Goodwill or garage sale so I get 8 ohms nominal and I will do everything it will do for a fraction of the price. In fact the money I save can go into re-caping, a linear, antenna, mic, eq or tube pre-amp etc......." A sucker is born every minute."! "A fool and his money are easily separated!".

For $700 you can get a decent real HF rig!

Electrically and performance wise there are not many CB base stations that are anything special.

Performance wise you could get more out of a modern RCI2950DX or any other modern black box SSB radio.You would get more power, better or equal receive, similar audio, a lot more bandwidth all for 1/3 the money!!!

well the guy who bought that 2000GTL for 1370.00 also bought a Grant XL from the same seller for 510.00 so he must just really like CB radios and have too much money.

that, or...
Hey, no big deal, your caps were replaced, and all your tuning cans are now seated flat on the circuit board!

of course your S meter probably isn't set correctly, the IF cans are probably not centered correctly in the passband, and if you have a 10-turn pot, the knob is probably on there crooked.

i just hope you didn't have to pay more than the radio is worth.
No LC , I was looking for a 2k years back when I was young I just couldn't afford one , All inside my radio looks fine . But I am far from an expert . But I will say the swr meter on the radio an my external one are dead on and I have tried several different meters . I must say from what I have read on here over the passed years I guess I got lucky . No Bs ! Btw I paid about $325 for it I still didn't have a lot of $$$ !LOL
well the guy who bought that 2000GTL for 1370.00 also bought a Grant XL from the same seller for 510.00 so he must just really like CB radios and have too much money.

that, or...
No shortage of old men trying to recapture their youth with one foot in the grave and on on a banana peel. They wanted something when they were young but could not afford it or had to sell it to support the family. Now that they are old have no bills and plenty of money they want what they want from their youth. So either they wanted it but could not afford it or they used to own one and wish they still had one. It is not unlike all the old men that own a corvette. These stereotypes are truly cliche.....You see it with cars, guns, radio's, stereo equipment, musical instruments, boats, airplanes etc....... I know a retired Doctor that is too ill to fly anymore he has over 12 Bonza V tail aircraft that have not flow in decades they are just rotting away. He will die before he will part with any of them. It will not be long before they will be too far gone to be worth restoring.

When a person is emotionally invested in an object no amount of money is too much they will pay insane amounts to agree what it is they want. This is where the saying "More money than brains!".......These same people have a hard time parting with anything either.

I can not take anything with me when I am dead and no amount of emotional attachment will make an object work better for me than an item I am not attached too. Tools are about utility not emotional attachment! The only thing emotional attachment guarantees is irrational decision making and overspending.

When I was younger I used to go to Government Auctions as a side business. I used to see all these old guys get caught up in winning the auction and they lost all sight of what they were paying it was about winning. I was there buying as a professional and profit margin was important winning the auction meant nothing if I did not turn a profit. I saw guys paying 5X what an old beat up vehicle was worth because they got caught up in the auction. I thought it was pathetic that people could be so feeble minded and manipulated so easily.

Everything I buy is evaluated by/for utility versus cost. Everything get's broken out by pro's, con's, cost, utility, at least 3 alternatives to what I want etc.....I do make exceptions for subjective things like taste or smell but cars, radios, rifles, tools etc.....They are just things I use to do something with why spent $700 to do what I can do for $250 or less?
The price is high. And selling a rig with those types of modifications is like selling a 1956 Ford Fairlane, with flames and 20 in Wheels. The original owner is modifying whatever the item might be to his or her liking, and trying to sell something that you created with what you had in mind is a difficult task. But there's usually someone out there who might have had the same type of look in mind, and just doesn't have the knowledge to create one themselves. I wouldn't be surprised if this radio eventually sells. Not for what the asking price is, but it will most likely sell. I might be partial to blue LED's. Lol PS. I myself wouldn't buy it. For about $100+ more one could purchase an mp 1000 and have a kick ass SSB rig. To each his own.
Two different people.
I called snake radios last summer.
Made the mistake of thinking he was someone that restored radios but all he does is add lights, bells, and whistles.
All I wanted was a Cobra 2000 restored to it's original condition for an old man that really liked his and is the original owner. Radio is pretty well used and worn.

But if you are not talking about echo boards, lights, channel mods, or colored digits he is not interested.
If it's not on his "sheet" he doesn't do it.

Now Windy City has some association with Scot Johnson and his deity.They teamed up to harass two people that didn't agree with their philosophy. Nothing new there.

So I would not deal with Windy City either.
He uses another name, Mike Abbatelli.
He is just a little bit cuckoo from what I have seen.

These guys have questionable integrity, and in some cases, none.
Kinda like your lack of integrity when you say Mike's tune would make my radio perform better? I'll choose reality over delusions any day. That's integrity.
I bet that radio ends up relisted.
Two of the same guys back and forth bidding on it for days?

ebayers with hundreds of positive feedback would not sit there and bid the price up because they know better. They would bid within the last 1-2 minutes to try to snatch it up.

Either they are really dumb or they are shill bidders. I am going with shill bidding.
My bids go in unattended 3 seconds before the auction ends.
Kinda like your lack of integrity when you say Mike's tune would make my radio perform better? I'll choose reality over delusions any day. That's integrity.

Ok so let me get this straight, they are on a channel where drivers are talking about the bad, bad road conditions. There is a driver barreling down the road passing everybody, and a car is spun out down the road ahead of them..... and these guys are locking the channel down talking about who did what to whose radio? They should keep the channel clear so the drivers can be informed. Pick a different channel for crying out loud!

They sound great up close and he did something totally different than he normally does for these two radios....... he made them sound good up close. Do they still get out like his normal tune?

How did this turn into a pissing match between Mike and Sherman anyway?
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Ok so let me get this straight, they are on a channel where drivers are talking about the bad, bad road conditions. There is a driver barreling down the road passing everybody, and a car is spun out down the road ahead of them..... and these guys are locking the channel down talking about who did what to whose radio? They should keep the channel clear so the drivers can be informed. Pick a different channel for crying out loud!

They sound great up close and he did something totally different than he normally does for these two radios....... he made them sound good up close. Do they still get out like his normal tune?

How did this turn into a pissing match between Mike and Sherman anyway?
When TheRadioDude said "These guys have questionable integrity, and in some cases, none." in post number 7. I agree it was rude of me to keep Mikes customer on the same channel while an emergency situation was happening, but it had scientific merit since it showed us how mikes tune sounded in comparison to the other folks on the air. The FFT Spectrum Analyzer was an afterthought which showed us the frequency response of transmitted audio.

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