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CB Milage Limit

The next step should be the addition of more frequencies some are wanting the expansion from 26.505 to 27.905 which will probably follow down the pike. Maybe even raising the power limits from 12 watts PEP tp 50 watts PEP. Now wouldnt that make most of the Black Box CBs and export CBs legal. I know the hams are going to slam me over this post. Just some food for thought there.
The next step should be the addition of more frequencies some are wanting the expansion from 26.505 to 27.905 which will probably follow down the pike. Maybe even raising the power limits from 12 watts PEP tp 50 watts PEP. Now wouldnt that make most of the Black Box CBs and export CBs legal. I know the hams are going to slam me over this post. Just some food for thought there.

Both power and frequency increases have been rejected many times and was mentiined and denied this time as well. Don't hold your breath for them to change in the future. The FCC knows what people want it for and that option is readily available in the amateur service.
If the CB guys had better receivers they wouldn't have a need for amplifiers to talk further since the guy at the other end of the conversation would be able to hear a weak signal two or three times further.
If someone is incapable of hearing your 4 watt signal from 30 miles away mobile-to-mobile you need to tell them to get a better receiver or tell them to find a technician capable of making major improvements to their receiver because communication is a two-way street and requires a good receiver at the listening end.
Most folks would tell you that you need to purchase an amplifier to be able to talk to them from a great distance away but that's because they don't have a decent receiver. They hate it when you tell them that but it's the truth.
If someone is incapable of hearing your 4 watt signal from 30 miles away mobile-to-mobile you need to tell them to get a better receiver or tell them to find a technician capable of making major improvements to their receiver because communication is a two-way street and requires a good receiver at the listening end.
Most folks would tell you that you need to purchase an amplifier to be able to talk to them from a great distance away but that's because they don't have a decent receiver. They hate it when you tell them that but it's the truth.

Well that certainly depends a LOT on the terrain between the two stations and the local noise levels on each end.The more sensitive receiver the greater the noise pick up so that may not be a great help in some cases.
Well that certainly depends a LOT on the terrain between the two stations and the local noise levels on each end.The more sensitive receiver the greater the noise pick up so that may not be a great help in some cases.
I'd say the majority of the time on flat ground there's no excuse for not being able to hear a stock Cobra 29 30 miles away.
( mobile to mobile and probably greater if someone has a base antenna high in the air)
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I'd say the majority of the time on flat ground there's no excuse for not being able to hear a stock Cobra 29 30 miles away.
( mobile to mobile and probably greater if someone has a base antenna high in the air)
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Flat ground yes but that elevation profile you show above is far from flat. You have deviations of more than 300m which is over 1000 feet. From any two peaks I say yes but from a distant valley in that profile I say no it won't happen reliably at all. If you want flat ground try in the western plains area like Kansas. LOL I don't care how quiet it is or how good your radio is you won't do 30 miles mobile to mobile here with stock 4 watts. Just far to much terrain in the way for that to happen unless both were at a peak and were stationary. This is an elevation profile from a buddies place into a town he talks too. He has a 350 foot rise at about 3 miles out. Not a good situation. Again.......it depends on the terrain whether 4 watts mobile-mobile will make it. I know some places around here where 12 watts on SSB and a four element beam would be hard pressed to make 30-40 miles on a good day. Receiver sensitivity had nothing to do with it. Good amateur gear with decent preamps were used. There is simply no path due to terrain.

Flat ground yes but that elevation profile you show above is far from flat. You have deviations of more than 300m which is over 1000 feet. From any two peaks I say yes but from a distant valley in that profile I say no it won't happen reliably at all. If you want flat ground try in the western plains area like Kansas. LOL I don't care how quiet it is or how good your radio is you won't do 30 miles mobile to mobile here with stock 4 watts. Just far to much terrain in the way for that to happen unless both were at a peak and were stationary. This is an elevation profile from a buddies place into a town he talks too. He has a 350 foot rise at about 3 miles out. Not a good situation. Again.......it depends on the terrain whether 4 watts mobile-mobile will make it. I know some places around here where 12 watts on SSB and a four element beam would be hard pressed to make 30-40 miles on a good day. Receiver sensitivity had nothing to do with it. Good amateur gear with decent preamps were used. There is simply no path due to terrain.

View attachment 21241
This is an everyday thing for me.
Sure he disappears when he gets into the very bottoms of those Canyons but I can generally hear him the majority of the time even when mountains are between us that are greater in elevation than my position or his position.
4 Watts at this distance probably isn't going to happen without the 2SC2999.
Slam?.. No.. Tar and feather..maybe..LOL. Actually it makes sense to expand the frequency space except there are still some business users in the "freeband" space that might put up a fight. As for power I don't see that happening.
It does make sense to expand the frequencies for 11 meter. It might not be long before the FCC has no choice in the matter but to expand frequencies.

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