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CB Modification Website


Anti-BS Advocate ● WO0WOO ● Reverend Doctor
Aug 11, 2005
Sunny Salem, VA
I have a website that I have maintained for several years that has quite a bit of information regarding CB radios. It is loosely based on three books by Lou Franklin:
Please feel free to use the site as a quick-reference to peak-tweak and other information for CB radios. It ain't pretty, but it is fast and free. The format hasn't changed much since 2003, due to a lack of time and interest. Please leave feedback in this thread for incorrect information, or whatever you think.



I have a website that I have maintained for several years that has quite a bit of information regarding CB radios. It is loosely based on three books by Lou Franklin:
Please feel free to use the site as a quick-reference to peak-tweak and other information for CB radios. It ain't pretty, but it is fast and free. The format hasn't changed much since 2003, due to lack of time and interest. Please leave feedback in this thread for incorrect information, or whatever you think.

N4REV's CB Modification Site
Thank You ButtFuzz, I appreciate you sharing your helpful site!
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