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Courier Galaxy IV tuning help needed

That's the same board as a Midland 79-265. There isn't a lot of info on that board, but I have done mods on one that I had years ago. Clarifier, extra channels, and modulation tweaks. Good radio. I'll see if I can find any info for it in my notes.

That's the same board as a Midland 79-265. There isn't a lot of info on that board, but I have done mods on one that I had years ago. Clarifier, extra channels, and modulation tweaks. Good radio. I'll see if I can find any info for it in my notes.

Ok sounds good, thanks
It's not hard...

Cobra Uniden Wring for 4-pin - note where the index notch is and find/locate the numbered pins on the plug of the mike cord to help...


Jack side- note the location of the notch is on top in the photo...



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Same format as tube sockets. Looking at the pins on the bottom of the tube is the same as looking at the lugs under the tube socket. Pin 1 is the first one clockwise from the key slot, or the gap. Numbering rises clockwise around the circle. Integrated circuits are the same deal, but we tend to look at them from above, and count pin numbers counterclockwise. You look at a tube's pins from below. You see a chip's pins from above. Still the same system, just a different viewpoint looking at a chip from above, and at a tube's socket from below.

Just one problem. The top picture shows the pin numbers molded into the insulator body. If we flip it over to plug into the socket in the second pic, we see that you numbered the pins' positions in reverse.

The top and bottom pics just don't match. And I'm pretty sure the top one is right.

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Update..well I got the mic switched over. Thank you to those that helped. I got the ssb at least usable. Then...the radio is now over heating and I lost tx and rx. So it is now on it's way to Oldtech. Maybe if we all push him he will make a nice video of it! He does have that great bench and all. Thanks to everyone who tried helping me out with this radio.
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Mk you there? Got the radios in the mail today and managed to at least get a look at the Courier IV.

1) There are more issues than a simple alignment will take care of.
2) The meter movement was stuck so I removed the meter and managed to get it working
3) The carrier oscillator adjustments were so far off it was impossible to communicate so those are now aligned and the offset osc that brought the SSB Pwr up to a good level, as well as making it sound much better
4) Harmonics were really bad but an alignment of the TX section brought that to an acceptable level.
5) I started to align the Receiver section and noticed the meter was messing up again this time it erratic found the VR1 to be bad replaced that and the meter started working as it was designed to.
6) Once the Rec alignment was complete it had no issue with less than 1 uV so the rec. is back much better than it was.
7) as shown in the images the circuit board was mutilated by many who had little or no soldering skills just a few of the 10 or so images so I still have to clean a lot of that up.
8) Am power is not up to snuff so we will take care of that as well

It's still in need, so we will continue to try putting this back to working order. At least the major issues have been dealt with.

this is one of the cheapest chassis radios ever made not trying to make you feel bad but they must have done business with the cheapest parts manufactures they could find on this one. But we will make work!

viber image.jpg viber image1.jpg viber image2.jpg


Wow sounds like you have your hands full with my "special" radio. Thanks for diving right in on it. You already found a ton of things that I had no idea about. Can't wait to hear what else you find.
Go figure I bought another "cheap" radio!?! I know how to pick them.(y)
MK121 Were are you?
I think Dmans wanted you to keep him informed so this is an extension of that request for You and anyone else.

Ok at this point all the Wack-A-Mole issues with the Courier IV are taken care of "I THINK?" anyway I was experiencing all kinds of little inconsistent issues as I was hunting one issue and correcting it another would pop up. After all, issues seemed to be cured I went into "let's see if we can make it not work mode" so as to maybe locate the intermittent issue. that took me all of 5 seconds to find out the 10.6975 osc. crystal had one leg broke flush at its base so Barkette is sending me a couple of new ones as of this morning. Otherwise, for a radio that had many adventures going on inside it, It is now actually working very nicely.
So onto the Handy Andy special Like Andy I have worked on literally hundreds of these they feel like an old friend I'm talking about the PC122 it was not really receiving and it was not transmitting and it now is doing all those things very well it took me about an hour to correct all the little things that were done to it to make it not work. But just for the record, the PC122 is very similar to the Courier Galaxy IV its basic circuit is so close to the board in the Courier it's spooky.
Now on to the Grant XL I need to get these taken care of as I have about 18 more that have come in over the last 2 wks and only really have 2 days out of the week I can dedicate to this but after 6 weeks I have knocked out 29 units in about 15 working days starting to feel like it did when CB was actually a hot item!

At the end of all this, I will try to make a short video of all the radios it's just to much time to do it as I'm working on them and it's time I don't have. Lucky for me I type about 50 words a minute so responding like this is only a few minutes out of tech mode. Thanks see ya later

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Thanks for the update! I do like the faceplate of this radio. Don't really know why-perhaps it is just different than all the rest. (That may be why I chase all the "cheapie's" on fleabay. Those brands that are not "drooled over"-i.e. Lafayette, RCA, Boman, Audiovox, Hygain etc. They all need some love too!)

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Yep I'm here!!
Well I'm not surprised that you got everything figured out and working great. I wish I knew how to do what your doing for me. Maybe someday I'll get this stuff figured out. I am trying at least. Any luck getting me extra channels on those radios? Sounds like the courier is probably a uniden clone in one way or another. Thanks again for all your time.

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