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Yup Shade it is , I taught this kid to shoot/hunt , he was my Buddy . But live w/ me it's my rules . After what happen I felt bad , but I couldn't control him & I wasn't one of his parents who @ the time gave a Rat's Arse ! Now both are both weepy & looking for sympathy ! Why should I have to try & raise their son ? I talk to him daily & he's not here ! Don't judge me & I know you won't . It tore me apart , aged me & I'll never get over it . Not looking for sympathy just wish they could straighten this drug Crisis out . 73 & God Bless all that have to go through this , Leo
Remember Dan , check your state laws ! Here in RI if you think it will cause bodily harm , like drug abuse , we can make a call PD will pick them up & put them in Rehab . Didn't work for him but sometimes that 45 day scare & dry out helps them .
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Years ago a friend and I were talking about the drug problem in our towns and all the little towns that surrounded us when I suggested that if they would start killing drug dealers on the spot that it would help the problem. Man he went off on me telling me what a stupid idea it was come to find out he was a dealer I worked next to him for 5years and never suspected a thing. Drugs seem to be everywhere and its suprising how many people are using that you would think there's no way they use.
One of my hunting buddies always seemed to have lots of cash on hand. Never figured him to be a drug dealer, but he was. There was an abundance of high school kids coming by. He lived next door to the high school he went to and was friendly with all of the staff and parents of the kids.
One day I got a visit from the local P.D. and they were asking a lot of leading questions about weapons and possible fortifications. I thought , "What the hell is this about?"
So I asked. I was well known to the Police as a supporter and they had no complaints against me except for a couple of noise complaints.
They told me that they were getting ready to take the Little Prick down and needed intel on weapons and fortifications. I was told if I said a word about any of the planned raid I would be charged as a defendant and they would rat me out.
How is that for helping the cops out and then they threaten me like that? You know I would last as long as a snow ball in hell after the cops would set me up.
They did the raid and there were no shots fired and no one injured. Drugs confiscated, car, house, motorcycles, and boats taken. The firearms went to the B.A.T.F. and their status is unknown. He called me and wanted me to bail him out. I just told him "No way Jose, No dinero, nada, zip, zilch, broke as hell." He asked me to contact a list of people with the request to help him out. I did as he asked and went down the list. Each and every one of them said not no but hell no.
Come to find out he had scammed or burglarized each and every one of them.
I feel blessed that he had not ripped me off.
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Yes..myself. I was addicted to crack cocaine for 3 years before getting caught with a large amount. 1st offense in cook county Illinois got me 4 years. I got out and never looked back. Since then have gained full custody of my daughter and have used fishing, bowhunting and radio to keep myself occupied. If I find a friend doing drugs I try to help if they want help or I walk away if not. It has been 21 years I've been clean yet it still haunts me as it's on my record and costed me family and friends.
Yes..myself. I was addicted to crack cocaine for 3 years before getting caught with a large amount. 1st offense in cook county Illinois got me 4 years. I got out and never looked back. Since then have gained full custody of my daughter and have used fishing, bowhunting and radio to keep myself occupied. If I find a friend doing drugs I try to help if they want help or I walk away if not. It has been 21 years I've been clean yet it still haunts me as it's on my record and costed me family and friends.
You might be able to get that expunged from your record. I don't know about Ill. Some states will allow it to be removed from your record if amount of possession has been lessened through the years to the point where your offense is no longer and offense or a lesser charge would have been filed.

My son was leaning that way thanks to his mother and we divorced and I got primary custody of him.
He was a little wild ass and would have have been a criminal in short order. It runs in her family.
Fishing, hunting, motorcycles and radios pulled him back. He was 10 when his mother and I divorced.
I saw on the news this morning that one of our neighboring states is setting up a place to do drugs safely. A building where people can go into a cubicle and do the drugs and if they OD, someone will be there to save them. A "Safe Place". They are going to model it after the program in Canada. Say What?!!
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I saw on the news this morning that one of our neighboring states is setting up a place to do drugs safely. A building where people can go into a cubicle and do the drugs and if they OD, someone will be there to save them. A "Safe Place". They are going to model it after the program in Canada. Say What?!!
Sounds like what happened to Seattle.
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The mindset in which the problem appears
isn’t the one with which it is alleviated.

“John Doe” does X
owns a TV
video-game playing
make-up wearing
Facebook member
driving a Chevrolet
voting Democrat

and the reaction this brings up in me is a problem.
My reactions. Not his actions or inactions.

The guy down the street at work does the same,
but the effect on me isn’t the same.

My family & close friends are those
whose lives are entangled with mine.

Spirit is not constrained by time or space
There is neither beginning nor end.

The void which anti-social behavior serves to fill as antidote
is a threat to be met on the level it exists.

And it isn’t on this plane.

To blame the person serves no function
except to distance ourselves from exactly that
which is why we are here.

The dilemma of a loved one under attack
— and powerless — is one where
one can learn from others in same circumstance
that a different mindset can meet
the foe and counter successfully.

The difficulty in achieving
that mindset is nothing to do with
the beliefs (actions) of others, but of
our own.

Examination of belief is the thing,
as belief without action isn’t possible.
What we say, and what we do aren’t congruent.
To the extent that to argue it — our role —
exacerbates that which we would alleviate.

Nor is it a study course
A seminar or merit badge.

There is that for which I’m responsible.
There is that for which I’m not.
To sharpen this edge is where one
sees a change in the one outwardly

The problems of the outward world
are a manifestation of the spirit.
Whence we came, and whence we shall return.
Or not.

Verily, I say to you, to change the heart and
become as children in acceptance
is to know that The Kingdom is within.

The Enemy never ceases to
divide us from ourselves.
One’s allies on this plane
passed us in Home Depot
or the grocery store the other day.

But we didn’t
recognize one another.


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It turns out that the safe place (actually called a safe injection site) that they wanted to put in got some push back from the neighborhood. Seems that they did not get their input. Nobody wants this near them, because where there are drug users, there will be dealers. People hanging around with nothing else to do except figure out where the money will come from for the next fix.

Do this in a city where homeowners need a special permit to have a gun in their house or where gun ownership for self defense is outlawed, and you will have a disaster. I can guess that the people behind the safe injection site don't live anywhere near there.

They should sell a device like an insulin pump. Load it with narcan and hook up a heart monitor. Then when you OD, the gizmo will save you. Has anyone read Fahrenheit 451?
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The mark of an intelligent civilization is that the men co-operate in their actions. Not left to others.

We didn’t succeed in conquering the planet in under four years with
selfish actions
(which are the hallmark of the era we’ve passed into).

“For when two or three are gathered in my Name, there I am among them”.

Which may be read that we have a common end and beginning to the meanings of our words. Language, which successfully bridges differences. Unites.

Western Man has been divided from himself.
The light that shineth in others was dimmed.
Is not yet extinguished.

Seek, then, the believers alike to one’s own self.

(Personally, I’m not one with whom ministers & theologians care to tangle. Nor doctors or lawyers. Nor professors or judges. My mind was weaponized at an early age. My reading & comprehension far exceeded theirs early in life. An advantage not to be overcome except by one dissolving agent.)

There’s honest effort on this plane. Laudable — to the stranger in a bar as I get teary-eyed over too many beers the early death of a loved one — and also that which pushes for more. As this plane is but a shadow of reality.

Which understanding our civilization developed to high art.
And then science.

Marcel Dupre, extemporizing Bach (as Bach himself may have done), but upon the keys at Notre Dame an example of civilization with which you all should be familiar (all, everywhere & everyone in Christendom). As music was our greatest art.


Paris is the center of the world we recognize as worthy of effort.
Intellect, applied. This cathedral, center.

No quarter is to be given.
The field is prepared.

His armor isn’t seen.
It is known.

aren’t an enemy.

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You might be able to get that expunged from your record. I don't know about Ill. Some states will allow it to be removed from your record if amount of possession has been lessened through the years to the point where your offense is no longer and offense or a lesser charge would have been filed.

My son was leaning that way thanks to his mother and we divorced and I got primary custody of him.
He was a little wild ass and would have have been a criminal in short order. It runs in her family.
Fishing, hunting, motorcycles and radios pulled him back. He was 10 when his mother and I divorced.
This is the crazy thing..Here in cook county Illinois due to the fact that I manned up and plead guilty I am not eligible for expungement.

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