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FREECELL where is my stuff? Over 1 year and counting..

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That is a great idea but i feel he has been given a lot of time as it is to address this matter. Its sad that FREECELL chooses not to PM me or respond to this thread regarding this matter, but can be seen answering other threads. He has been given enough time to answer this thread but chooses not to. I say BAN EM ALREADY!]

Like another person said, post something about class C amplifiers being clean or doing 200 watts per pill, he will answer. Post something about not sending equipment that was already paid for (mind you over a year ago) and he plays invisible.

I started my postal complaint and after talking to the postal authority's, i may not get anything. The money order was made out to 292 radio and not to Jack himself. They are investigating if 292 is a real company ie: pays income tax on this business etc. they will get back to me. If 292 radio is not a real company and the lady at the post office (Jacks friend) cashed the PO for him, then its fraud both ways. Either way, it doesnt look good for him or her.

Happy hammer:
BAN FREECELL FROM THIS FORUM im sure you will agree from my "freecell where is my stuff part one and 2" posted months ago that this problem has not been resolved.

More than ample amount of time has been given to him to respond to this situation but he hasnt. Ban em. Before he rips off someone else.

Boys and girls can you say federal marshalls, I knew you could.:bdh:
I think it is time for everyone on the forum to take a deep breath and sit back for a moment. Before we crucify FREECELL, I think we need to see some legitimate proof from PUMPHOUSE as to his accusations. Like maybe posting a copy of the Postal Money Order Receipt. I'm not saying that PH is not telling the truth, I just don't like a witchhunt. If I can see real proof that FREECELL has ripped PH off, then I agree, Freecell should be banned and prosecuted by the proper authorities. But watching Freecell get beat to death without legitimate proof isn't fair.
How about it, Pumphouse. If what you're saying about Freecell is true, let's see a copy of the postal money order receipt.

- 399
I think it is time for everyone on the forum to take a deep breath and sit back for a moment. Before we crucify FREECELL, I think we need to see some legitimate proof from PUMPHOUSE as to his accusations. Like maybe posting a copy of the Postal Money Order Receipt. I'm not saying that PH is not telling the truth, I just don't like a witchhunt. If I can see real proof that FREECELL has ripped PH off, then I agree, Freecell should be banned and prosecuted by the proper authorities. But watching Freecell get beat to death without legitimate proof isn't fair.
How about it, Pumphouse. If what you're saying about Freecell is true, let's see a copy of the postal money order receipt.

- 399

Believe me if I was lying, Freecell would come out firing hard on this one.

Please do a search on this matter, and you will see it goes Wayyyyyyy back to over a year ago.

I will give freecell this much. He did send me partial of what i paid him for. He just did not send everything I paid him for.

The value of the items he owes me (do a search and you will find out), is maybe around $100 give or take a few dollars up or down.

You might be thinking Why is pumphouse making an issue for ONLY $100 worth of stuff? Because thats hard earned money out of my pocket and just imagine if he hits me up for $100, how many other people will fall prey to his faulty business dealings?
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Heres Proof! (Money order serial number blocked out because of ongoing investigation)

What you are seeing is

1. A postal receipt in which i bought the $190 money order to pay freecell for equipment and radio work. You will then see that I shipped a radio out to him (along with the $190 money order) to get modded. Total: $201.50

2. A second del conf in which I sent him another money order for some antennas and other stuff. Money order not shown but i do have it.


There you have your proof. I dont BS. Freecell does.

BAN EM. Proof shown. Nuff said.
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