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Magnum S9 for sale

Hi, i don't paypal i will take a us poastal money order i have another guy interested in it he is thinking about it send me your email address.Thanks
Yea Pay-pal is such a quick easy safe way to go. E-mail was sent in a PM, no reply. Thanks I'm out take care.
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Sometimes pay pal will put a hold on payment while verifing payment source, some buyers think your scamming them. I use paypal all the time just had this happen once.
Where did this thread get dredged up from.
Postal Money Orders? Forget it. I'm not going to go stand in line at the Postal Orifice, pay a fee, then MAIL the dang thing to the seller... at which point he can cash the check. (It is a negotiable instrument, Homes) and then I have absolutely NO recourse when the seller says. YA! I SHIPPED IT!
Where did this thread get dredged up from.
Postal Money Orders? Forget it. I'm not going to go stand in line at the Postal Orifice, pay a fee, then MAIL the dang thing to the seller... at which point he can cash the check. (It is a negotiable instrument, Homes) and then I have absolutely NO recourse when the seller says. YA! I SHIPPED IT!
Actually you do. Seller cashes P.O.M.O. & doesn't ship, that is considered mail fraud & postal inspectors get involved.
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"Actually you do. Seller cashes P.O.M.O. & doesn't ship, that is considered mail fraud & postal inspectors get involved."

Umm, yeah... 3-4 months later after YOU have to do all the complaining, proof, etc. And even then, there is little chance of recovery. So you're still out your money, and now you're out mucho TIME, too...

Let me ask you a question: What program has the government ever done right?

Answer: NONE!

Take a little stroll down to your local PO and speak with the postmaster of postmistress... that is, if you can find them. Ask them what the real chance of recovering money on, say, a $150 radio that you paid for with a postal money order...
USPS Money orders are crap. I've sold guns on Gunbroker and received Post Office MO's as payment.

Try to cash them at the PO and I always hear, "We don't have enough available cash to do that. We suggest you take it to your bank."

I don't do banks as they are crap also. Instead I'm a member of a couple of Credit Unions.

Credit Union will not ca$h the money order because "...so many USPS MO's are counterfeit."

CU will let me deposit it in my account. But...that is only after I sign and agree to some document stating I will not have access to the deposited funds for 15 days and then only after the MO clears.

No USPS MO's for me. Pay Pal or Certified Bank (or CU) Check = good to go.
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No postal money orders for me.
Got burned 1 time going that route , some how money order got altered , cashed , and the postmaster did not give a shit if I got my money back.
I even wasted my time and tracked down were the altered money order was cashed and he still did nothing.
Never again.


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