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Size Matters - An A99 question......


Sr. Member
Mar 8, 2011
Deer Park, TX
I just downloaded the assembly manual for an A99 and what I am looking for does not seem to be written in there.

Does anyone know off the top of your head ... what is the max diameter pole that an A99 will mount to? I guess the basic thing is.... how wide are the U bolts that come with it...and I don't know.


Thanks in advance,
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Just a thought... That 1.5'' might be using the included U bolts. When I put up my HF flagpole I had to cheat a little since it's slightly larger in metric. I just got U bolts from my local Ace and tweaked them slightly and the bolts are longer. The ones included with the antenna are pretty short.
Just a thought... That 1.5'' might be using the included U bolts. When I put up my HF flagpole I had to cheat a little since it's slightly larger in metric. I just got U bolts from my local Ace and tweaked them slightly and the bolts are longer. The ones included with the antenna are pretty short.

That is a great thing to keep in mind. I was thinking of the original U-bolts....but I suppose a hardware store could add some possibilities..... thanks!!!
Me? I don't. Originally I could find no indication of what size mast this thing could use.... either recommended or MAX. I was thinking of a 1 3/8" chain link fence top rail and wanted to be sure that it would fit that.
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Just a thought... That 1.5'' might be using the included U bolts. When I put up my HF flagpole I had to cheat a little since it's slightly larger in metric. I just got U bolts from my local Ace and tweaked them slightly and the bolts are longer. The ones included with the antenna are pretty short.
I had to do that.
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I heard/read someplace ( or maybe someone told me ) that the chain link fence rail isn't that great ? I was going to use it for my beam install & was advised not to . I can't remember who/where & that doesn't mean they were right !:D I have plenty of that rail .
Me? I don't. Originally I could find no indication of what size mast this thing could use.... either recommended or MAX. I was thinking of a 1 3/8" chain link fence top rail and wanted to be sure that it would fit that.

What I found testing today was that with my A99 and power of like 100w or more the top rail may conduct the RF off the feedline coax and skew your SWR abit. I made some 6" standoffs to keep the coax away from the mast/top rail.. SWR was better..


If your not running power you can just ignore and ziptie the coax to mast like most..

Also use caution if you decide to choke the A99 as it does need some coax for the grounding.. unless you get the GPK too.

Anyways that's my take from today's up/down to mine..
Hmmmm...my coax from A99 runs straight down the mast pipe (as does a ground wire) and is attached with rubber tape at a few spots. I don't seem to have any SWR issues with/without an amplifier on. I do have the coax right below the antenna rolled into a small 5" choke coil. Why, I dunno. o_O


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