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Terms on Amateur Band...??


Sr. Member
Jan 4, 2009
Rogers, Ar
Call me dumb, 's ok.
Only a ham for three years and occasionally other hams use expressions I'm unfamiliar with, and "man's best friend", Google, isn't either.
I make contact with a station calling and he replies, "...you are 59 SAR..".
I hear him say this to others, but not all...
We'll, I am not Search and Rescue, so, what's he saying in plain ole 'merican?

sounds like a slang version of 5 & 9 to me, 90% of reports on amateur bands are 59, even the shit sounding s3's :(
For some reason the use of 59 as a standard report drives me crazy. For most part its due to simple laziness on behalf of the operator.
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