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Covid Cooking- Culinary Cuisine

Actually, the cured ham was on sale weeks ago. A $21 ham for $6 because it was on it's last day at HEB. Left it in the fridge for couple more days to age, or ripen if prefer. Frijoles, baby limas 2 lbs. Cooked up quick in insta pot pressure cooker. Add garlic and onion, that were of questionable age, to mask that tangy flavor of that zombie ham. Some Tony's and other spices, proprietary knowledge there. Think formaldahyde. Simmer for couple hours. Got out the bells that were on ventalators in the fridge, cut out the rotten spots and gut. Add what's left of bell peppers to pot. Retrieved the strange meat from fridge and whack up with machete till it quits moving. Best done outside on picknik table then use garden hose to rinse. Transport body parts to pot and insert by jamming in with toilet plunger until below lid level. Pressure cook for another 20 minutes.
Now, what's left is about two weeks old. Nuked up in micro. Served in official Don Julio guac bowl. Currently suffering mild side effects. Gas and some dysentery. Resolved with Gaviscon and Imodium. Remember what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
Actually, the cured ham was on sale weeks ago. A $21 ham for $6 because it was on it's last day at HEB. Left it in the fridge for couple more days to age, or ripen if prefer. Frijoles, baby limas 2 lbs. Cooked up quick in insta pot pressure cooker. Add garlic and onion, that were of questionable age, to mask that tangy flavor of that zombie ham. Some Tony's and other spices, proprietary knowledge there. Think formaldahyde. Simmer for couple hours. Got out the bells that were on ventalators in the fridge, cut out the rotten spots and gut. Add what's left of bell peppers to pot. Retrieved the strange meat from fridge and whack up with machete till it quits moving. Best done outside on picknik table then use garden hose to rinse. Transport body parts to pot and insert by jamming in with toilet plunger until below lid level. Pressure cook for another 20 minutes.

LOL. That’s one great description.
Zombies and beansView attachment 35755
Best served in favorite guac bowl after a week or two of fermentationView attachment 35756
That sweet tangy taste is irresistible. Although side effects include but not limited to stomach pain, diarrhea, hot flashes, hallucinations, headache, delusions of grandeur, and flatulence. It's worth every bite.
One side effect I heard of was a case of UTI even though you don't remember an encounter..
Actually, the cured ham was on sale weeks ago. A $21 ham for $6 because it was on it's last day at HEB. Left it in the fridge for couple more days to age, or ripen if prefer. Frijoles, baby limas 2 lbs. Cooked up quick in insta pot pressure cooker. Add garlic and onion, that were of questionable age, to mask that tangy flavor of that zombie ham. Some Tony's and other spices, proprietary knowledge there. Think formaldahyde. Simmer for couple hours. Got out the bells that were on ventalators in the fridge, cut out the rotten spots and gut. Add what's left of bell peppers to pot. Retrieved the strange meat from fridge and whack up with machete till it quits moving. Best done outside on picknik table then use garden hose to rinse. Transport body parts to pot and insert by jamming in with toilet plunger until below lid level. Pressure cook for another 20 minutes.
You cook like my ex-wife! We were having a party to celebrate an accomplishment of my son and they asked who was cooking as long as I was cooking they accepted.
She could burn water.
You cook like my ex-wife! We were having a party to celebrate an accomplishment of my son and they asked who was cooking as long as I was cooking they accepted.
She could burn water.
Oh contrare, what I cook gets very high regards. If I tell you a cow turd is biscuit, better bet you can damn well eat it, and like the taste.:)
Ya Beat me to the HF Coaster comment ! (y):LOL: I make my Chili one way only , my Aunt that passed a few years back that lived in Allen Tx sent me & oven mit that's all now faded over 40 years ago . On it it says " Texas Red & Long Neck " Texas Chili . Around here ( & I did also ) people make their Chili w/ Hamburger . This one uses Cube Beef ( stew meat ) & uses Pinto beans . I use Deer Meat a lot also but Iv'e made my Chili using that recipe since she sent it to me . Rip Aunt Helen & Thank You ! 73 , Leo
Oh contrare, what I cook gets very high regards. If I tell you a cow turd is biscuit, better bet you can damn well eat it, and like the taste.:)

There’s that Beer #21 problem.

Cooking, nay, the wizardry of goumandry that’s like the finest Parisian dress-making; NOTHING left to chance.

Haute Couture

and it comes out one could swear it had to do with cow excrement (?).

Been a half-century since the French lessons, Barbe-Rouge, and these ears make mistakes.


“Your pardon, sir”.

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